Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You rock.

So the morning jam session has become a bit of a norm around here. E now works 4 ten hour days so half of the week this is his only time with the kids. They're fast asleep when he comes home at night. So the deal was, when he shifted his work schedule, that he would be ever so kind enough to "do" mornings, feed the kids, make the coffee, etc., while I got a peaceful shower in. Then I would go ahead and be solo with the kids the rest of the day. Well, as chaotic as it can be to start a day as a SAHM without a running start, I can hardly complain that they aren't accomplishing enough at this time or I'm not getting enough help. They simply eat and listen to their dad singing songs about kids named True and Carsen. In fact, if this is their only time with this phenominal man for another 24 hours, I can't think of a better way for them to spend it.

Week in the Life, Day 3

Someone isn't napping today :)
Waiting for sister to get out of school.
Kid yoga class.
The bell has rung and every little Kindergartener is ready for a new day!

Here are a few shots from last night and today. You can see in the keypad shot that True has snuck out of his room at quiet time!

For a good cause.

The crop I went to over the weekend was for ScrapPink, which you can read more about here. Well, they had a fabulously clever and very re-useful idea of auctioning off some of their gorgeous sample projects to raise funds for breast cancer research and awareness. Here are my lucky wins! The first are Christmas decorations/gift. The second and third are the outside and inside of a card to journal and add photos to. The last two are the inside & out of a very cool pop box, this particular one is a teacher gift, but just think how fun it would be to make one of these for everyone on your list, filled with gift cards, journaling and photos!

It's beginning to look a lot like....

Christmas? Halloween? Both?

I got a start on my Christmas cards, as I always do following my September birthday. And at the same time the Halloween decorations come to life out of their boxes in the utility room. Here are a few sneak peeks! My friend Wendi again gifted us her photography skills, so you'll get to enjoy a first glance at those too!