This is the simplest idea but last week I set up camp in our second home, our car. I bought a trunk organizer, but you could easily use a big bin for less money. Mine has three compartments, the middle one being an insulated pocket for snacks, water, juiceboxes, etc. On one side I organized all of my reusable shopping bags, and on the other I placed the items we need for various outings each week. Soccer shoes, Hapkido uniform, extra clothes for accidents, and a fully stocked swim bag. I also stocked the car with wipes, bandaids, sunblock, allergy meds, a new stash of books for the back seat, and sunglasses. It seems that this mama who claims she loves the simple life is actually on the go quite a bit, so knowing I'm prepared and don't have to pack snacks, sports equipment, etc. every time is a big weight off my to-do list.
Ok girl...where did you get it? I like!
A little place I like to call Target.
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