So after just returning from my scrap weekend, I also just turned 35! See the b-day flowers I received from the two boys in my life- the bright one from my man while he was on a business trip for my big day, and the orange ones from my little man True (thanks Wen!). With both events shaking things up around here, I decided to put my refreshed perspective to work. Here's what I'm working on:
1. Get healthy. I have popped in and out of some seriously blue times in my life and I have also always gone up and down on the scale. The answer to both life-challenges is a healthy lifestyle. I want to be around to kiss grandbabies, but I also want to have a great quality of life while I'm doing it. Fo that matter, I want a great quality of life while I can still kiss my own babies. So my friend Gia turned me on to this site: http://www.stickk.com/. I am posting and monitoring my good-health goals on this site and all my supporters can help me reach them. This site is great, and your goals can be anything- make partner by January, quit smoking, make more family time, skydive... you name it. You can even deduct money from your credit card to benefit the charity of your choice when you succeed! Pretty cool.
2. Get back into the everyday exploration. I'm going to take Ali's challenge and document my life for a week. You can read up and get inspired here: http://www.aliedwards.typepad.com/. Again, pretty cool.
3. Expand my scrapbooking horizons. I met a gal at this crop and boy oh boy this girl had a gift. She made art out of the most surprising things, and it was so inspiring. I've always been a paper-crafts kind of girl, as opposed to sewing (all thumbs) for example. This gal made pop up scrapbooks, made a book out of file folders, a chipboard suitcase, geesh... you name it. It was so cool, and it got me to thinking outside the album. I've been a big fan of the mini-book over the last year, as my family albums are mostly caught up. So I've made travel albums, friends and family books for the kids to leaf through at their liesure, and love stories. This gal got me on the wavelength again of seeing where else I can bring my story.
1 comment:
Love all of this Corie! Looking forward to seeing and hearing via web the changes and inspirations.
you go girl!
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