My honey was such a super dad, giving me a whole weekend to be with the girls, scrapbook, chat, and play! But even on an ordinary weekend, he'll tote the kids to the in-laws for the day so I can have the house to myself for reading, supercleaning, movies, or scrapbooking. He walks them down the beach or takes them on a hike, totes them on the bike or-and for this I double commend him- takes them somewhere that I refuse to go, like the Family Fun Center or Wild Waves. My poor kids would never visit these amusement parks because dear Mommy can't stand the crowds, noise, and chaos. But dear ol' dad will give them a handful of quarters for games, let them crash into him on the bumper cars track, pull them on the bike, and stop for ice cream along the way.
Love you, honey.
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